The hard-partying lead singer of Hole and wife of the late, great Kurt Cobain was criminally neglected as a child (no surprise there). Courtney Love’s mother was Linda Carroll, an heiress and therapist who raised Love among the communes and counter-culture of Oregon in the late 60′s and early 70′s. As a girl, Love was called “Pee Girl”, ” by her schoolmates because nobody ever washed her clothes. As an adult, Love is called “Pee Girl” by the media because nobody ever washed her raging drug addiction and rapidly growing mental health problems. Meanwhile, her mother Carroll married, divorced and remarried three times. Carroll sent Love away to boarding schools and even left the country for several years, abandoning Love to the care of first a family friend, then an ex-stepfather. At the age of 12, Love landed in a juvenile correction facility before spending her early teenaged years between boarding and reform schools. Her relationship with her birth father Hank Harrison was equally awful, consisting mostly of Harrison giving his underaged daughter drugs. At 16, Love gained legal emancipation from her negligent mother. The name of Hole’s most recent album, “Nobody’s Daughter,” pretty much says it all.