Paris Hilton’s ex-partner in crime Nicole Richie appeared alongside her childhood buddy in the delightfully titled
The Simple Life way back when. The two were seemingly inseparable then, but all good things must come to an end, as indeed they did in 2007 for ‘undisclosed reasons.’

The adopted daughter of legend Lionel Richie spent a good few years attempting to slowly kill herself with partying, and was pulled over by the 5-0 in 2003 and charged with the possession of some smack. Not one to put the brakes on, in 2006 the occasional bit-part actress was arrested for a DUI after driving the wrong way down a freeway in LA while under the influence of several shades of chemical. The troubled starlet soon bounced back, though, and luckily for penis-owners everywhere, adopted kids tend not to resemble their parents… Yep, she may be a douche, but she
is hot.