“Rock Ya Body” heartthrob Justin Timberlake has maintained such a cordial relationship with former flame Cameron Diaz that, despite calling it kaput on their love thang in 2007, the stars share the silver screen in the raunchy comedy Bad Teacher, opening this summer. So imagine JT’s surprise when his efforts to cultivate a similar “Left Ya, But Still Love Ya” camaraderie with most recent ex Jessica Biel were met with a blinking stank eye and a “Bitch Puhleeze.”
In March, Just and Jess agreed to go their separate ways, effectively ending a three year romance that included everything from engagement scares to reports that Justin was secretly bedding actress Olivia Munn behind Jessica’s back. Timberlake had hoped to stay on good terms with Biel after the breakup, but Jessica’s having none of it, spywitnesses say. Not only is the A-Team actress dumping all of the trinkets the singer/actor bestowed upon her during their courtship — she’s changed her phone number and cut him off completely.