Barbara Walters Jose Baez Interview Airing Next Week

Well…that didn’t take long, did it? Veteran newswoman Barbara Walters has landed the first formal sit-down with Jose Baez, the man who secured a stunning not guilty verdict against accused child murderer Casey “Tot Mom” Anthony. Babs’ 60-minute chat with Baez, a staunch detractor of the death penalty, will air across ABC News broadcasts Good Morning America and The View. Portions will also be seen on World News with Diane Sawyer as well as the primetime special Casey Anthony Not Guilty: Inside the Bombshell Verdict.

The prosecution argued that Casey suffocated her two-year-old daughter Caylee and abandoned her body in a wooded area near the family’s Orlando home in 2008. Baez devised the defense that Caylee’s death was the result of “an accident that snowballed out of control.” The skilled orator accused Anthony’s dad, George, of sexually molesting Casey as a child and ultimately forcing his troubled daughter to cover up Caylee’s death after the toddler drowned in the family swimming pool. Anthony escaped charges of first-degree capital murder and child abuse in the decision handed down by the Florida jury on Tuesday.

The 25-year-old was, however, found guilty of providing false information to the police. She faces up to four years behind bars when she’s sentenced on Thursday, but could just as easily go free if credited for the three years she’s already served behind bars.

Meanwhile, one of the jurors in the Casey Anthony trial has decided to go public with his side of the story — for a price, of course.

A publicist for the unidentified juror has been blitzing media outlets with a letter which reads in part: “Our client — a married, college-educated, 33-year-old white male with two young children — is willing to consider granting one or more media interviews so long as the opportunities are paid….”