Casey Anthony Sentenced To Four Years In Prison For Lying

Casey Anthony will be a free woman on Wednesday, July 13, CNN has learned. Earlier today, she was sentenced to four years for four counts of lying to investigators, all misdemeanor charges. She has been in jail for almost three years and is being given time off for good behavior.

Casey Anthony is going to prison — albeit for significantly less time than some people believe she should be.

Yep — a Florida jury of seven women and five men found the 25-year-old party girl not guilty in the 2008 death of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, but was found liable for four counts of lying to police during the investigation into Caylee’s disappearance. For those offenses, Anthony was sentenced to four years in a Florida correctional facility on Thursday. Though her legal team attempted to have the convictions reduced to a single count, Judge Belvin Perry sentenced her to one year on each of the counts of misleading law enforcement, to be served consecutively.But let’s put that into prospective: After deducting time for the three years Anthony has already served in prison and the credit she’s received for “good behavior,” Casey could be back to her old antics of knocking back Tequilas in Orlando nightclubs as early as August. The media-dubbed “Tot Mom” was also slapped with a $4,000 fine. In addition, she’ll have to cover the cost of all police resources wasted on the investigation into Caylee’s disappearance as a result of Casey’s false statements to police.