Kate Hudson’s Babydaddy Explains their Son’s Sorta Weird but Not Really that Bad Name

British singer Matt Bellamy, whom most of you had never heard of before he hit the paternal jackpot by knocking up actress Kate Hudson, took to Twitter to announce their new son’s name:

So happy! Just had a baby boy, Bingham “Bing” Hawn Bellamy. Born 7Ib 12Oz, on 9th July.

Bingham? Bing Bellamy? Do they WANT this kid to be pushed down on the playground?

But apparently the choice wasn’t pretentiously ridiculous, like Gwyneth Paltrow’s spawn Apple. Nor was it a direct path to a certain life of porn, like Penn Jillette’s unfortunately-named daughter Moxie Crimefighter.

No, this somewhat-silly moniker actually has family roots.

“Bingham is my mum’s maiden name and Bing Russell was Kurt’s dad. Family connections all round!” said Mr. Kate Hudson. (“Kurt” being Kate’s de facto dad, Kurt Russell, of course.)

So, okay. They get a pass.

Besides, given the twisted names most celebrities give their kids these days, a boy named the relatively-plain Bing is more likely to be the playground shover than the shovee.