Lea Michele and Chris Colfer Will Star in Glee

RumorFix is reporting “Glee” stars Lea Michele and Chris Colfer, who will leave the hit show after the upcoming season, are getting their own spin-off set in New York.

It’s a storyline that was hinted at during the second season finale, when the New Directions kids traveled to NYC for the national showchoir competition. While they were there, Michele’s Rachel and Colfer’s Kurt bonded over a shared love of Broadway and vowed to move to the Big Apple after graduating from high school.

As an admitted Gleek myself (SHUT UP), their friendship makes total sense and I couldn’t see why it hadn’t been explored before. Rachel’s a known and avid lover of musical theater, which means in any normal (read: not scripted for dramatic weekly television) scenario, of course she’d gravitate towards the core group’s only known gay boy — as he would to her. In fact, it seemed patently absurd that they weren’t already close friends.

Unlike homosexual men, faghags — or as the younger generation prefers to call us, “fairy princesses,” but I still rock it old school — are not born. We are made. Usually at a pretty young age, and often due to a shared love of theater.

(My first gay bestie and I were a little different, bonding over a shared love of the Pet Shop Boys and a mutual desire to be Janet Jackson, but that’s neither here nor there.)

Theater queens, whether male or female, typically bond like falsies on a drag queen. That’s just science, people.

So it should come as no surprise that this season of “Glee” will likely see Rachel and Kurt forging those bonds and planning a future together filled with glitter and rainbows and Tony Awards.