Lady Gaga Sued for Siphoning Funds

A class action suite for $5 million has been filed against Lady Gaga for siphoning funds from merchandise sale purportedly to help victims of the recent Japanese earthquake.

Gaga sold We Pray For Japan wristbands priced at $5 ea., charging an additional $3.99 for shipping and $0.60 for taxes.

Michigan based 1-800-LAW-FIRM, which is spearheading the lawsuit, says the Poker Face singer may have misled buyers by suggesting that the entire proceeds from the sale would go to earthquake victims.

According to the law firm, they were alerted to the scam because Lady Gaga collected tax; charitable donations are not subject to tax.

Ari Kresch, an attorney for the firm says, "I'm suing Lady Gaga simply to hold her accountable for giving the money that she was raising for charity to the cause that she was trying to raise it for."

1-800-LAW-FIRM says Gaga inflated the cost of the wristband, diverting the profit for herself; and refused to reveal how much of the $5 went to Japanese victims.