Owen Wilson Dumps Baby Mama

Well — that didn’t last long! Owen Wilson has reportedly walked out on his girlfriend, Jade Duell, and their five-month-old son, Robert, after deciding that he wasn’t interested in being in a monogamous relationship.

Fine time to make that determination, O!

The Little Fockers star, 42, fell out favor with Jade after approaching her with the idea of having a little on the side.

“Owen wanted the freedom to do what he wanted with his friends, both male and female, while remaining a family unit with Jade and the baby,” a friend explains in The National Enquirer’s July 4 edition. “But Jade wasn’t willing to go along with that, so Owen decided to end things with her instead of cheating behind her back.”

Owen met Jade, a former air marshall, after the pair were sat together on a flight. Their relationship was not made public until four days before their son was born. The split has Owen’s family concerned that another suicide attempt could be on the horizon for the actor, who tragically slashed his wrists in a botched attempt on his life in 2007.

“…His family is terrified to leave him alone. They’ve rallied around him at his Malibu estate. The baby was the best thing that ever happened to Owen. He said little Robert gave him a reason to live…Now he’s holed up in his beach house and walking around like a zombie. He’s acting just like he did after his split from Kate, and that’s got everyone close to him worried.”